Founded in 2021, Caribbean Regenerative Community Development (CRCD) is a not-for-profit organization that aims to implement on the ground efforts to advance the regeneration of Puerto Rico’s natural resources and communities. Our goal is to assist disadvantaged communities and underserved landowners in achieving economic resilience and well-being.
CRCD works with the establishment of agroforestry plantations and native trees; soil improvement; educational workshops; community training and empowerment; environmental assessments and management recommendations towards greater environmental and economic resilience; and establishing partnerships between agencies, municipalities, and communities.
Tejiendo Saberes Ancestrales y Sostenibilidad en nuestros Bosques
Reducir el riesgo de incendios forestales y fortalecer la capacidad de adaptación de las comunidades que rodean el Bosque Estatal de Maricao
The Smart Ag Puerto Rico project, led by Caribbean Regenerative Community Development (CRCD), will support and empower smallholder coffee and cacao farmers in PR to transition to Climate Smart (CS) practices by directly supporting farmers to implement viable practices on farms, account for GHG-related benefits and other benefits on-farm and throughout the supply chain, and developing a unique Puerto Rican branded climate-smart agriculture label and voluntary program. The project will address barriers to successful uptake of Climate Smart practices in PR’s agricultural sector through creative, collaborative marketing efforts that highlight the social and environmental benefits of sustainably produced coffee and cacao, and help the island fulfill its potential to become a world leader in climate-smart coffee and cacao production.
Árboles Urbanos para la Resiliencia, Equidad y Empoderamiento en Puerto Rico
CRCD was founded in 2021 by a team of dedicated experts that have been contributing to the sustainable development of disadvantaged communities and conservation efforts in the Caribbean for over ten years. At CRCD our team includes a group of diverse professionals with backgrounds in agroforestry, social ecology, grant management, public relations, marketing, and environmental and biological sciences.
Executive Assistant
Associate Director, Co-Founder
Data Scientist
Executive Director, Co-Founder
Director of Agriculture & Sustainability
Biochar Production Technical Assistant
Join our team of volunteers fighting for sustainable agriculture, food security and the protection of Puerto Rico’s most vulnerable ecosystems.
We're always looking for energetic volunteers to help us regenerate and revive Puerto Rico's agriculture. If that's you, contact us through this form. We'll be in touch soon!